Guilt By Association — "This Is The Dog That Worried The Cat That Chased The Rat That Ate The Malt … ."

By James Fulford


This is classic:

Althouse: "I’m used to Greenwald misrepresenting me wholesale, but being savaged for a post I didn’t link to is a new one." Sunday, March 23, 2008 "I’m used to Greenwald misrepresenting me wholesale, but being savaged for a post I didn’t link to is a new one." Writes Glenn Reynolds, who’s irritated at being slammed for linking to some blogger’s Happy-Easter post which turned out to be right above that blogger’s co-blogger’s racist rant. In fact, one of my regular commenters — in this thread — seems to be taking me to task because I've been linked by Reynolds who linked to the guy who blogs with the guy who said something racist. This is the dog that worried the cat that chased the rat that ate the malt … .

The Easter post at a multi-blogger called Instapunk site that Instapundit linked to was this one — the "racist rant," by another blogger, calling himeslf "Old Punk" was this one.

It actually includes racist language — the "Old Punk" succumbs to combination of punk sensibility and what both Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire has called "Elderly Tourette’s Syndrome" ( which is where you're too old to give a damn anymore what people think) and actually uses the Deplorable Word (A word I deplore myself, and never use, although it’s

popular with rap music artists.)

But here’s the conclusion to his post:

Here’s the biggest thing we "racists" notice. Every single immigrant group that ever came to America — including the Chinese who came as railroad slaves — has risen out of poverty and want to prosperity and respect. The Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Jews, the Koreans, the Vietnamese. Every group but you. And you're the only group we fought a war to free.
Sorry to break it to you, but Obama won’t be elected president. We were ready, but you clearly aren’t. Time to think about getting ready.
Now, let the abuse descend. I’m ready.

Well, they're not just abusing him, but people who linked to a post next to his post. Clearly there’s a lot of abusive behavior going around.

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