Gun Control And The Border

By James Fulford


Instapundit has a couple of posts on what he calls the "Mexican gun canard" — the idea that Mexican drug gangs are getting their weapons from America, and it’s all the fault of America for being such a free country. One post suggests there’s "pretty clear evidence that guns in Mexico are coming from elsewhere. Or from the 150,000 to desert the Mexican Army in the last 6 years."

Of course, the main point with regard to Mexico and US gun control is that American citizens near the border need guns to defend themselves from Mexican invaders. In a column i wrote in October, 2001, I said:

"I wrote earlier that it would be stupid to disarm the populace during an invasion. It’s even dumber to do so during a war.

So when the Administration proposes a new anti-terrorist bill, instead of including new and better ways to control Americans' access to firearms, perhaps they should try the reverse, and write legislation overriding New York’s Sullivan law, and the thousands of mini-Sullivans around the country, and require the state and city governments to let people defend themselves."

It’s even more important for Americans near the border to be armed today, since after eight years we know that government won’t put troops on the border.

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