This is from CBS New York. Is the juror accused of trying to sell the verdict an immigrant from a country with a more flexible attitude to justice than the United States? CBS doesn’t say. I start by reasoning that a 53-year old man named Persaud almost has to be an immigrant — the number of East Indian residents of the United States in 1957 was very small.
Juror In L.I. Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Accused Of Soliciting Bribe
May 18, 2011 9:55 PM
Juror Deonarine Persaud was accused of soliciting a bribe to "fix" the verdict in a medical malpractice suit on Long Island. (Credit: CBS 2)
MINEOLA, N.Y. (CBS 2) — Investigators on Long Island said they busted a greedy juror trying to bribe the victim’s family, hoping to get a huge chunk of cash to "fix" the verdict.
CBS 2’s Jennifer McLogan has more on the get-rich scheme that backfired.
Judge Dana Winslow was overseeing the proceedings in the State Supreme Court when flabbergasted jurors watched court officers enter their chamber and arrest seated juror Deonarine Persaud.[More]
No doubt CBS Standards and practices could give you chapter and verse on why it would be wrong to tell you that, say, Persaud, of Indian descent, was born the South American country of Guyana. (Formerly British Guiana.) But do you know who doesn’t feel that way? The staff of the Guyana Observer, in Georgetown. Not that Georgetown, a different one.
Guyanese juror faces jail time for attempted bribery
Friday, 24 June 2011 - offered to "fix" verdict
Deonarine Persaud
(KN) Investigators on Long Island said they busted a greedy Guyanese juror trying to bribe the victim’s family, hoping to get a huge chunk of cash to "fix" the verdict. Judge Dana Winslow was overseeing the proceedings in the State Supreme Court on May 14, when flabbergasted jurors watched court officers enter their chamber and arrest seated juror Deonarine Persaud, said to be from Guyana. According to a CBS 2, New York report, Persaud was accused of trying to sway the whole panel — in exchange for cash from a potential verdict award in a civil lawsuit. "This is the first time in the history of the state of New York that such an incident has become public," Judge Winslow said.[More]
You'll notice that the Observer says that Persaud is "said to be from Guyana." Said by whom? The police, probably. Why didn’t they tell CBS? They did. But CBS didn’t tell us.