Guzzardi on Free Republic

By Joe Guzzardi


Shortly after was officially banned from Free Republic in 2001, I made several efforts to contact Jim Robinson both directly and through an intermediary that he knows and respects.

Robinson lives in Fresno about 100 miles south of my home in Lodi. I offered to drive down to discuss face to face — as mature adults frequently do — whatever objections he may have to

VDARE is, after all, a group of some thirty odd editors and writers. We cannot possibly all be offensive to Robinson. Certainly, I hoped, Robinson and I could find some common ground.

But alas, I received no response from Robinson to my multiple messages. Apparently Robinson is not at all mature — or courteous — when the subject is immigration.

In response to heavy fire for his censorship of immigration critics, Robinson wrote, “Final note: I do NOT support open borders or illegal immigration. Sincerely doubt there are many on this forum who do.”

To me though, stifling open and honest criticism of one of America’s most pressing social problems clearly lends support to the open borders crowd which is led by Robinson’s hero, George W. Bush. “By their fruits ye shall know them”, as someone said.

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