Guzzardi On Union Amnesty Fraud — And GOP Town Hall Fraud
Exploited by Employers — or duped by Union bosses?
I see via One Old Vet that our much-missed former contributor Joe Guzzardi has a characteristically competent piece up On Labor Day: Fast Food Workers Demand Higher Wages but Employers Know an Endless Flow of Illegal Immigrants Will Work for Short Pay CAPS August 30, 2013
Even though CEO salaries and bonus are at record highs relative to other workers, fast food restaurant employees are so underpaid that they are striking in cities nationwide and demanding $15 an hour wages as well as a greater ability to unionize. The nearly 3 million fast food workers earn $9 an hour, and cannot sustain themselves on that low income let alone raise a family.
This campaign is a fraud by the Democratic operatives controlling the relevant labor unions. They are all in favor of the Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration bill which will completely eradicate any possible gains gained by the income sacrifices borne by their gullible members.
As Joe says
The restaurant industry relies heavily on illegal immigrant workers. For those who don’t like the $12,355 annual salary, there’s a long waiting line of eager aliens willing to take the job.
Next week, Congress returns to Capitol Hill. High on its fall agenda is legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants, thereby giving them work permits, and importing 30 million more overseas workers during the next two decades. Given the existing economic conditions and the widespread suffering among Americans, even the briefest consideration of adding workers to the bloated labor pool is reprehensible
This blog gives me a chance to applaud another important Guzzardi essay, which documents the wicked truth about the sham Town Hall meetings GOP Congresscritters have been holding this summer.
Instead of regular style Town Hall meetings, Republican leadership encouraged telephone Town Halls where they could control the questions to avoid confrontation.
In my Pennsylvania District 12, Republican freshman Rep. Keith Rothfus followed orders to a tee. I called in during Rothfus’ scheduled telephone Town Hall; I told the screener I wanted to talk about the KIDS Act. He put me on hold, and I never got a chance to speak. In the meantime, Rothfus closed his meeting by saying that when Congress reconvenes, the issues will be Obamacare, energy and jobs. Even though House deliberations about immigration make national headline news daily, the subject was noticeably absent.
Unfortunately Joe closes this essay (and it is misleadingly headlined with) a strangely naïve expression of optimism about Treason Lobby asset Congressman Paul Ryan.
Here I detect the hand of the CAPS (California For Population Stabilization) management. They have been ineffectually but I understand comfortably mumbling about immigration restraint since 1983!!! They appear to have acquired Joe after a formerly patriot- controlled Foundation was taken over by drones and cut off funding for including his stipend in 2010. No doubt it has been lucrative.
CAPS will not link to and has apparently banned Joe from referring to his years of work for, this reducing the impact of his considerable archive here.
Obviously this does no good for the Patriotic cause.
Ask CAPS why Guzzardi is not allowed to cite his work.