
Haley Ignored Border Invasion At CPAC Speech. Attendees Heckled Her

By A.W. Morgan


GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s speech at CPAC 2023 was singularly uninspired and not well received. The applause lines didn’t work well, and CPAC attendees heckled her afterward. But Haley’s neoconnish Conservatism, Inc., eyewash wasn’t awful for that reason alone. She said nothing… literally nothing… about the illegal-alien invasion at the southwest border, an existential crisis. By January 31, border agents had encountered 874,449 invaders since October 1, the beginning of fiscal 2023.

After opening with a shot at CNN’s Don Lemon, who rightly said she is past her prime, the “conservative” who helped strike the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina mentioned “illegal immigrants” in just two lines:

“Border” crossed her lips only when she said that “China is the one sending the fentanyl across our border.”

She also delivered this vaguely anti-Trump claim:

We’ve lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. Our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of Americans. That ends now. If you’re tired of losing, then put your trust in a new generation.

She’s right, but doesn’t know why. A majority of Americans are white. Those are the voters to whom the GOP has failed to appeal. Maybe Haley doesn’t know it, but immigration from the Third World — countries like India, Nimrata Randhawa’shomeland — partly explains the electorate’s shift toward Democrat presidential candidates.

One wonders what in Heaven’s name is wrong with GOP consultants in general and Haley’s in particular. Answer: They don’t call it the Stupid Party for nothing.

So no wonder CPAC attendees heckled her after the speech with cries of “Trump, Trump, Trump!” and “We Love Trump!” If they are any sign of GOP support for POTUS 45, Haley is doomed. And, perhaps, so is anyone else who runs against him.

CPAC attendees keep starting chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump!” as Nikki Haley takes photos after her speech. pic.twitter.com/dxqm0mC2ss

— bryan metzger (@metzgov) March 3, 2023


Nikki Haley is getting a very warm welcome from CPAC.

Oh wait… they’re yelling Trump at her 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/6PuJ6606Ph

— Ada Lluch 🇪🇸 (@ada_lluch) March 3, 2023

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