Happy Hildegard of Bingen/ Robert Bellarmine/ Edward Pusey Day! (And Yom Kippur)
September 17 is the beginning of Yom Kippur, but in accordance the Hanukkuh Rule we have to point out that it is also, in my own poor Episcopalian Church, the feast day of the remarkable Hildegard of Bingen, mystic and musician; and in my wife’s Catholic Church, of St. Robert Bellarmine, a Jesuit who distinguished himself, to my Protestant eye, by being one of the judges who condemned Giordano Bruno to the stake and by being involved in the suppression of Galileo. Obviously a man of stern character.
Part of the Hanakkah rule is that you get to scrounge around for whatever nearby celebration you want to include, so I note that tomorrow (September 18) is the feast day, in the Episcopal calendar, of Edward Bouverie Pusey. Both Pusey and Bellarmine worked to revive their respective Churches by revisiting its history. In some small way, that’s what we at VDARE.com are trying to do for the American nation.
A happy [fill in blank] to all our readers. We do mean it.