Happy St. Ambrose Day! Oh, And Also Hanukkah
December 7 is the Feast Day of St. Ambrose, Patron Saint of beekeepers and beggars, one of the four original doctors of the Church, who converted and baptized St. Augustine of Hippo. It’s a very big deal in Milan, where he was Archbishop.
Oh, Hanukkah begins tonight too. But it’s now a multicultural must that no religious festival can be mentioned without also mentioning the nearest festival of some other religion, just as Christmas can no longer be mentioned without a reference to, well, Hanukkah.
Somehow, however, the MSM neglects to provide the nearest saint’s day in the Christian calendar to each year’s Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Passover — and there are a lot of saints! So it has become a VDARE.com service (as so often) to fill the gap.
Quite often Hanukkah doesn’t overlap with Christmas at all — in fact, this year it ends on the evening of December 15. For the record, here’s more confirmation that it’s actually a minor Jewish festival, inflated only because of its proximity to Christmas: Hanukkah 2020: When it is and what to know (no, it’s not the ’Jewish Christmas’), by David Oliver, USA Today, December 10, 2020.
VDARE.com has many Jewish writers and donors (God bless them every one). And, unlike the unpleasant War On Christmas perpetrators, we wish all our readers, writers and donors a Happy. We mean it.