Hasta La Vista, Illegals!

By Brenda Walker


I love a sniffly going-home story about a cry-baby foreigner who doesn’t feel welcome any more. Like we should put out the welcome mat for illegal alien job thieves. Boo hooey (in Spanish of course).

Here’s Mexican whiner du jour, Hector Salinas:

It was the constant fear of being detained by U.S. immigration, especially after the relative with whom he shared a home in West Kendall got stopped while driving without a license. After that, they sold the car and got around with great difficulty on a bicycle.

Finally it was the loneliness. He did not bring his wife and young children, whom he had not seen for 2 1/2 years, for fear of the risk of arrest and detention. "I never lacked for work, but I never felt good here," Salinas, 43, said in Spanish one recent afternoon, his last in Miami before boarding a plane to Mexico City. "The patrones pay only what they want. You live with very little, and then you're also alone, and always fearful of arriving at work and having them come looking for you.

"I don’t like living with this uneasiness."[More Immigrants Choose To Leave U.S., Go Home,By Andres Viglucci, Melissa Sanchez And Jack Chang Miami Herald, June 01, 2008]

That’s right, bub. Lawbreakers are supposed to feel uneasy, although complete terror would be a preferable emotion. And didn’t you understand you would be exploited? Illegal Mexicans wear an invisible Kick Me sign, and employers like it that way.

Have a swell trip home, Hector, and don’t forget to tell the family and friends how mean Americans are toward illegal aliens. Hooray for attrition!

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