Even an hour later, news is tough to come by. However Senate votes big expansion of federal hate crimes By JIM ABRAMS (AP) says
WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday approved the most sweeping expansion of federal hate crimes law since Congress responded four decades ago to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Voice vote passage came immediately after supporters cleared a 60-vote procedural hurdle imposed by Republicans trying to block consideration of the legislation. That vote was 63-28.
(VDARE.com emphasis.)
”the most sweeping expansion of federal hate crime law…since …the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.” Funny — I didn’t see any such MSM description before tonight.
This has happened before. The question now is if S.909 in its disguised state can survive the full Defense Appropriations procedure.
But 63-28 sends a message: Liberal Republicans are more real than “Conservative” Democrats. The Senate is split 60:40.
At VDARE.com, we have this uncomfortable feeling: we can rely on the Federal Government to feed us in our (probably compulsory) retirement….