Hate Crimes Bill: The Christians strike back.

By Patrick Cleburne


The Family Research Council has produced a fine film clip “Hate Crimes Update” attacking S. 909, the Hate Crimes Bill (see below). For some reason, it does not seem to be accessible on its website, but it has been picked up by a number of Christian sites (Hat Tip Causa Nostrae Laetitiae).

The piece features excellent remarks by Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN). VDARE.com has never had occasion to praise Rep. Pence before: he richly deserves our praise for stepping forward in this dark hour. There is also an exemplary performance by the ever-reliable Senator Jim De Mint (R-SC).

Hate Crimes Update” is a sophisticated presentation because it focuses on the likely effect of this legislation of the interpretation and enforcement of the similar laws that already exist in the States. This was exactly the aspect highlighted for applause by Senator Diane Feinstein D-Ca) in her petulant tirade at the Senate Judiciary hearing on s.909. As I remarked:

This of course renders null any assurances given about the administration of S.909 itself — many of the State laws are broader and more loosely written.

Law enforcement and Judicial proceedings are in reality highly fluid and malleable — and susceptible to political influence and fashion. That is why no one knows where S.909 will take us. — and why it needs ample discussion and a stand-alone vote, both things the Senate Democrats appear determined to avoid.

There is, in addition, the issue of intimidation. As Pence says (Minute 2:32 — 2:59)

”…the larger and more pernicious aspect of hate crimes legislation is the chilling effect…It’s the sermons that never get preached because Pastors…might simply not want to run the risk of running afoul of legislation…that bears upon how one addresses particular moral issues”

The ideological core of the video are the statements by David Barton, President of Wallbuilders, particularly in Minute 1:22 — 2:22, where he points out that House Democrats refused to allow the insertion of language

to exclude Pastors reading the Bible as not being a Hate Crime … the fact that it was voted down in Congress says explicitly what they’re after

(Minute 1:42-50)

and also Minute 3:00 — 3:58 where he advances the argument that the cost of litigation is repressive, regardless of the prospects of prevailing.

VDARE.com’s specific interest here, of course, is the immigration debate and the National Question. Consider

Groups harness Web’s power to sow hate By MOISES MENDOZA Houston Chronicle July 15 2009 This rambling piece reports that ultra right groups use the Internet and alleges that

the number of crimes against Hispanics ballooned in 2007 nationally, the last year comprehensive FBI hate crime data is available. That year there were 595 reported anti-Hispanic crimes compared with 426 four years before. A report this year from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Educational Fund attributed the increase, in part, to rising anti-immigrant sentiment

It is obvious where this is going.

On a brighter note, the Rev. Ted Pike reports that Senator John McCain was provoked to make some anti S.909 remarks on Wednesday: MCCAIN RIPS INTO 'IRRELEVANT' HATE BILL AMENDMENT! 15 July 09

VDARE.com is not about to start praising McCain, but this underlines that the Democrats have problems with this bill. Pike later reported that things might be looking up

Senate offices today report "hundreds" of calls critical of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, S. 909. This contrasts sharply with yesterday when pro-hate bill calls, primarily generated by the homosexual Human Rights Campaign, outnumbered those of Christians/conservatives… Yet, despite this encouraging trend, the hate bill remains very much alive! Throughout Wednesday pro-hate bill Democrats, including Sens. Levin, Durbin, Feinstein, and Cardin argued passionately for passage of S. 909. The top issue of contention remains the inappropriateness of attaching the hate bill, protecting homosexuals but not soldiers, to the arms bill…

If they want this thing so much, the rest of us had better be dead against it!

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