Hate Crimes Holdup

By James Fulford


When I wrote below that the hate crimes bill had passed, the issue at the time was could they sleaze it through onto the Defense Authorization Bill, which they did, giving it a clear shot, since Obama isn’t going to veto a hate crimes bill on principle, because he doesn’t have that kind of principle.

So, I thought, it’s inevitable, once it’s attached to the Defense Bill, because who could be opposed to national defense? Barack Hussein Obama, that’s who!

According to Liberty Counsel,

Hate Crimes Amendment Will Face More Hurdles After Passing Senate in Late Night Vote Senator Harry Reid’s bullying tactics paved the way for the Senate to pass the so-called Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act as an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill late last night. The cloture vote taken late last night was 63-28, with every Democrat voting for the amendment, except Senators Byrd (WV) and Kennedy (MA), who were not present. Approval of the cloture motion meant that the hate crimes amendment was adopted.

The hate crimes amendment will not become law unless the $680 billion Defense Authorization bill passes and the amendment is reconciled with the version of the hate crimes bill passed by the House. The Senate Defense Authorization bill includes funding for F-22 jets. President Obama has threatened to veto the Defense bill if it funds the F-22.

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