Heading Fast In The Wrong Direction On Race
I blogged here yesterday about a Monday night dinner club meeting with speaker Colin Flaherty, author of White Girl Bleed A Lot.
Another person present to hear Colin speak has also blogged the event, turning out 800 words of exceptional, though pessimistic, good sense on a topic not exactly overflowing with good sense, pessimistic or otherwise.
America’s path seems to me to be a convergence to the global mean where the poor are concerned. The gap between rich and poor in Brazil for instance is 5 times that in the US. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor doesn’t solve that problem — as we're seeing it only makes it worse. And in our future, blacks look to me to be taking on the role of the permanently Favela-bound impoverished underclass.
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The real tragedy of this trend is that it will become all but impossible for an intelligent and civilized black man or woman to rise from the slums anymore. It will be too dangerous and expensive for people to take a chance on them. And in the same way that affirmative action institutionalized the doubt that a black kid with a college degree really deserved it, the next set of institutional changes will freeze the black population into the slums of America forever as a reaction to their violence.
And the tragedy-upon-tragedy is that instead of bending our national efforts to tackling this issue, we have doubled down, adding a whole new layer of "diversity" via mass immigration of unskilled and education-proof people from the South.
As the author of that world-spanning bestseller We Are Doomed lamented (p. 29):
It seems to me that the human world presents enough challenges, without our needing to concoct more, or multiply the ones we have. Resource depletion, climate instability, economic stagnation, demography, and international terrorism all seem likely to present us with severe challenges in the years to come. Why should the U.S.A. add more challenges to the menu? What happened to the old adage about not troubling Trouble until Trouble troubles you? Why are we putting ourselves through this ever-swelling diversity challenge?
I’m temperamentally averse to conspiracy theories; but I’m leaning more and more to the view implicit in the "Brazilian" theory offered by our friend above: U.S. social policy, including of course immigration policy, is nothing but a plot by wealthy elites to cement themselves into an impregnable Brazilian-style caste status.