Heads-Up on House Hearings
Check out the locations of the 21 scheduled field hearings planned around the country for August, and see whether any is within driving distance. The hearings are great potential "teaching moments," as they say in ed-speak, and the more citizens who show up to educate the press and the legislators, the better.
The following list is from Rep Gingrey’s helpful blog.
HOUSE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Las Cruces, NM on August 3rd — How can Congress best protect the integrity of the federal voting process by combating election fraud and eliminating non-citizen voting? Phoenix, AZ on August 3rd — How effective are state policies like Arizona’s Proposition 200, which requires voters to provide evidence of citizenship, at combating election fraud?JUDICIARY COMMITTEE San Diego, CA on August 2nd — How do illegal immigrants impact the costs of healthcare, local education, and other social services, and would these costs increase under Reid-Kennedy immigration bill? El Paso, TX on August 17th — What is the financial impact of illegal immigration on communities along the U. S. border, and could these costs rise under the Reid-Kennedy bill? What is the impact on efforts to extend a border security fence under the Reid-Kennedy bill’s requirements regarding consultation with the Mexican Government? Will efforts to limit illegal immigration be inhibited by the Reid-Kennedy bill’s provisions relating to local law enforcement? Concord, NH on August 24th — How do illegal immigrants impact the costs of healthcare, local education, and other social services, and would these costs increase under Reid-Kennedy immigration bill? What is the societal impact of the Reid-Kennedy bill’s grant of amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants? Upstate New York on August 25th — What are the current risks of terrorists, narcotics smugglers, and human traffickers infiltrating the United States, and what role do secure identification documents play in limiting those risks? Does the Reid-Kennedy bill undermine efforts to limit those risks? Evansville, IN on August 29th — How are U. S. workers impacted, and potentially displaced, by the Reid-Kennedy bill? Dubuque, IA on September 1st — Do the Reid-Kennedy bill’s amnesty provisions repeat the mistakes of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?
ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE Selfridge Air National Guard Base, MI on August 1st — What are the unique challenges for the Department of Defense in supporting border enforcement along the Northern Border? Yuma Marine Corps Air Station, AZ on August 2nd — What are the operational and training impacts of a porous border on military bases along the border?
HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE Bellingham, WA on August 8th — What are the border infrastructure successes since passage of the REAL ID Act and the 9/11 Commission Implementation Act, and what challenges still exist? Austin, TX on August 17th — What are the criminal consequences of illegal immigration along the Southern Border?
SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Sierra Vista, AZ on August 17th — What is the state of technical surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities for monitoring the efforts of terrorists and drug cartels to infiltrate American soil through the Southern Border? Grand Rapids, MI on August 23rd — What is the threat to the United States from Islamic extremists who abuse the legal immigration system?
EDUCATION & THE WORKFORCE COMMITTEE Plano, TX on July 31st — Does the Reid-Kennedy bill weaken employment verification systems, making it easier for illegal immigrants to find work inside American borders? Gainesville, GA on August 14th — What is the impact on American workers and businesses of the Reid-Kennedy bill’s provisions mandating Davis-Bacon wage rates for guest-workers?
ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE Nashville, TN on August 10th — What is the impact of the Reid-Kennedy bill’s amnesty provisions on the healthcare delivery system and for individual American taxpayers? Dalton, GA on August 15th — What is the impact of the Reid-Kennedy bill’s amnesty provisions on the healthcare delivery system and for individual American taxpayers?
GOVERNMENT REFORM COMMITTEE San Diego, CA on August 14th — What is the impact on state and local governments, in terms of both societal costs such as policing and direct government costs such as health care and welfare benefits, of illegal immigration? Would the Reid-Kennedy bill impose huge unfunded mandates on state and local governments?
RESOURCES COMMITTEE Santee, CA on August 5th — What efforts need to be undertaken to prevent federal public lands from being harmed as they are used as a pathway for illegal immigration? Does the Reid-Kennedy bill compromise our federal lands? Hamilton, MT on August 28th — What efforts need to be undertaken to secure the federal lands along the Northern Border to prevent drug trafficking and other illegal activities? Could the Reid-Kennedy bill make these efforts more difficult?