No surprise, National Review has been praising the life of Invade the World / Invite the World Globalist Henry Kissinger [Henry Kissinger: RIP, National Review, November 30, 2023].
Christopher Hitchens made a much better argument for Kissinger being a “war criminal.” Certainly, he was no conservative. Years ago, I thought it revealed quite a bit about William F. Buckley that he chose Henry Kissinger to deliver the eulogy at his funeral Mass [Thoughts On Attending William F. Buckley’s Memorial Mass, by Matthew Richer, VDARE, April 4, 2008].
It is hard to believe that any serious conservative would want Henry Kissinger to deliver his eulogy. But that is not the way National Review sees it. They actually brag about National Review’s close relationship with Kissinger.
When WFB retired as editor in chief of NR, Kissinger offered to throw him a dinner at his East Side river-view apartment. You make the guest list, he said. WFB invited all his youngest colleagues to hear the wise man’s tour d’horizon.
See Kissinger’s eulogy of Buckley here.