Here Is the Face of Diversity Today …
Isn’t ultra-diverse immigration the best idea ever? Don’t we all feel enriched by it every single day? How else could we have honor killings in America without importing the misogynous cultures that do such things?
A woman living in Jonesboro, Georgia, wanted a divorce from her arranged marriage. So her Pakistani father strangled her to death.
A Pakistani man, apparently upset his daughter wanted out of her arranged marriage, strangled her with a bungee cord, according to arrest warrants revealed Monday afternoon in Clayton County Magistrate Court.Doing the honor killings Americans just don’t want to do!Chaudhry Rashid, 54, is charged with murder in the death of his daughter, Sandeela Kanwal, 25, at the family’s Utah Drive home in Jonesboro. Rashid’s wife, Gina Rashid, 49, called police just before 2 a.m. Sunday and told them she had been awakened and heard screaming in a language she could not understand. Gina Rashid, who is African-American, left the house out of fear and called police from nearby.
Rashid is being held without bond in the Clayton County Jail. His first court appearance was continued until Tuesday afternoon when Chief Magistrate Daphne Walker learned his primary language is Urdu. Walker said an interpreter will be brought in to help with the judicial proceedings. [Police: Arranged marriage led father to kill daughter, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 7, 2008]