Herman Cain: My Blackness More Important To Me Than Conservatism

By Patrick Cleburne


Cain Bachmann 2012

No! This is here to recall the Cain-Bachmann 2012 idea.

Over at the Fiscal Times Maureen Mackey has produced Herman Cain: 21 Things You Don’t Know About Him October 5, 2011 derived from a study of Cain’s book.

Way down as #15 is

"He beat stage-four cancer — it was found in his colon and liver in 2006 — and after surgery and chemotherapy that year, he’s been cancer free since."

Of course the reality is that because of this a President Cain is likely to die in office of debilitating disease before the end of his second term — which is still 9 years away. My view is that should automatically disqualify anyone — except perhaps as a subterfuge to get a better successor.

But much more immediately alarming is point #18

"He sees himself “as being American first, black second, and conservative third.”

How about a candidate who declares himself “American first, white second, and conservative third”? VDARE.com readers might like it but imagine the MSM!

But, humor aside, this simply is not good enough. Rush Limbaugh was right — Cain has the wrong instincts. At the first test, the GOP will have another Colin Powell fiasco on its hands.

Cain could have said “a (Colorblind) American first, and a Conservative second”. Or at least put his race third!

And what does being an American mean to Cain? Other than being entitled to Affirmative Action benefits?

It certainly did not mean serving in the Vietnam War, which put great demands on American youths born with him in 1945. Graduate work and exempt employment apparently took care of that:

Your morning jolt: Herman Cain, Vietnam, and his dad’s gun by Jim Galloway AJC.com October 7, 2011

Of course, the same is true of his similar-aged rivals Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

As Peter Brimelow wrote years ago when reviewing a biography of U.K. Prime Minister Harold MacMillan

" … whatever else can be said about Macmillan and the British ruling class, they never flinched from leading the nation in war…More than 40 years later, when Eden told him the news of his impending resignation, it was to their common experiences on the Western Front that the two old men’s thoughts immediately turned. It is a comment on the American elite that no similar conversation will take place in the White House on the 40th anniversary of the Tet Offensive."

It certainly was — none could.

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