I found Rutgers for Trump counters pro-immigration march down College Avenue (by Sophie Nieto-Munoz, The Daily Targam, November 2 2016) fascinating for a couple of reasons.
First, the astonishing appearance of these patriotic college counter-demonstrators reminds me of the moment in early 1980 when I saw a small group of students demonstrators with banners (all young white men, of course) headed up Washington’s 22nd Street NW to protest Iran’s holding of the American Embassy hostages. I had recently endured five year of Vietnam War-era campuses dominated by student Marxists, and any sort of patriotic manifestation boggled my mind. I began to think that Something Was Going On.
(A VDARE.com reader reported an earlier patriotic manifestation at Rutgers here.)
Second, this commendably honest reporting by Nieto-Munoz:
Both sides exchanged profane words and engaged in shouting matches. At the end of the demonstration, some undocuRutgers students and Rutgers for Trump members began debating, both civil and not.(Emphasis added). Wait till the Main Stream Media gets hold of that!One undocuRutgers supporter told a Rutgers for Trump member in Spanish that he was going to kill Trump, while another undocuRutgers supporter said it was counterproductive to speak like that.