
His Name Is John Materna: Beloved Watermelon Man, A White Male, Murdered By Two Blacks In 64% Black Memphis

By Paul Kersey


Earlier: Her Name Is Eliza Fletcher: White Mother Of Two White Boys, Jogging In 64% Black Memphis, Abducted And Murdered By Black Male

A simple confession: I wish I didn’t care about this stuff. Life would be simple.


But just nearly twelve years ago, a childhood friend was murdered on the streets on Atlanta by a black male dedicated to fighting white privilege and thus was born the character behind SBPDL.

In the dying days of the American Empire, we know more names will emerge to share the same fate of Brittney Watts.

His Name is John Materna.

Watermelon man dies weeks after he was shot by robbers, friend confirms, WREG.com, May 29, 2023

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A beloved watermelon vendor has died two weeks after being shot in a northeast Memphis neighborhood during an attempted robbery.

A longtime friend said John Materna passed away Monday night after he was taken off life support.

“He has given this test a great fight to survive. It’s not in God’s will,” said Randall Linn.

Materna, known by many as “Red” or the Watermelon Man, was selling watermelons at the corner of Homer Street and Wayne Avenue when he was shot on May 15. Materna had been selling his watermelons in Memphis for decades.

Memphis Police say he was robbed by two men seen getting out of a silver Infiniti with a paper tag that read “RETIRED.”

A neighbor who did not want to be identified said the same men robbed them.

Linn said Materna also had a gun, and he shot back.

“He (Red) shot back. Don’t know if he hit anybody going down or the car, but I know he was protecting himself as well as the other neighbor,” said Linn.

The family has set up a gofundme page to help his wife with any financial needs.

Police are still looking for the suspects. If you have any information that helps them find the men, call CrimeStoppers at (901)528-CASH.

Memphis is 64 percent black, and 25 percent white in 2022... the men wanted for the murder of John Materna, a white male, are black.

Were white privilege real, every individual connected to the black male who abducted and murdered John Materna would be facing consequences. Consider how the concept of white privilege is taught in schools and all white children must atone for their ancestors past…

In a world where white privilege were real and omnipresent, every black individual who dared take the life of an innocent white person would see their entire family, to the fourth generation, face dire consequences.

The center cannot hold.

The American Experiment is ending.

The architects of Jim Crow knew the truth, though our Marxists overlords demand we forget.

For every John Materna, the sting of reciting Emmitt Till memory loses its potency.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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