Hispandering Alert! Rubio Designated GOP DREAM Act Flip-Flop Leader?
Rubio: Reverting to type? Or serving GOP Establishment?
An ominous story has been planted on The Hill.com website: Republicans seeking out Hispanics by Alexander Bolton 3/27/12
Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the only Senate Republican of Hispanic heritage and a possible vice presidential pick, is working on an alternative version of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age and serve in the military or attend college.
That Rubio should prove unsound on patriotic immigration issues is not a surprise. Although he has generally behaved since arriving in the Senate (Numbers USA grade an unexciting B-) — annoying the Treason Lobby in the process — he had a terrible record as Speaker of the Florida House. In 2008 he blocked consideration of several good immigration measures, as Washington Watcher noted for us.
But it is noteworthy that in the run-up to the Vice Presidential nomination he should change course and risk annoying the Republican base. Very likely he is being encouraged to do so by the GOP DC Establishment. The same Hill article reports
Sens. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) are also working on a bill, although its details are being kept secret, according to congressional sources. Senate sources expect it to be unveiled after GOP front-runner Mitt Romney has clinched the presidential nomination.
VDARE.com emphasis.
This sounds very much as if a concerted RINO Hispandering offensive is being orchestrated. Does anyone seriously expect Candidate Romney to resist?
The Hill quotes a Treason Lobby operative saying something sensible — unfortunately:
“There’s definitely a buzz among Republicans to curry favor with Latino voters, but they want to do it in a way that their base doesn’t notice or get offended by,” said Angela Kelley, vice president of immigration policy at the Center for American Progress.
VDARE.com is here to make sure the base does notice!