By Dave Gorak
Robert Miranda, executive director of Milwaukee-based Esperanza Unida Inc., says in his July 21 a lot of good things about legislation recently introduced by several state senators that would crack down on Wisconsin employers who hire illegal aliens.
He said he supports this bill because it gets to the question of how to stem illegal immigration and the removal of the incentive for it.
“Removing undocumented immigrants out of the labor force is a first order of business for policymakers,” Miranda writes.[State should enforce ban on hiring illegal immigrants, July 21, 2011]
Nice to hear because our immigration laws were created in main to protect American workers; unfortunately, that has not been the case now for many years because of pandering politicians who dance to the music of the sundry illegal alien advocates disguised as “immigrant rights activists.”
My enthusiasm for Miranda’s argument was short-lived because only a few paragraphs later he wrote:
“Look, the undocumented worker brings a good work ethic to the American labor landscape; they work hard, did not come here to receive welfare and should be allowed to remain in the U.S. after paying penalties.”
For what purpose? Why should they be allowed to remain here if there are no jobs for them? A phone call to Miranda revealed his group’s real agenda that has nothing to do with protecting American workers or immigrants here legally, the rule of law, and, oh, the small matter of our national sovereignty.
In a nutshell, Miranda says illegal aliens and their families who have “lived by the rules” and conducted themselves like “good citizens” since breaking our immigration laws “should be punished” but allowed to keep their jobs even though 22 million jobless Americans and legal residents are unable to find full-time employment. The fines they would pay, he said, would be “put in a coffer and used to create jobs” for our out-of-work citizens.
To put it bluntly, Miranda’s definition of removing illegals from the U.S. workforce is to legalize them so they can continue to enjoy the dignity of regular paychecks and to hell with our own unemployed.
I told him that the U.S. House of Representatives would soon be considering a bill making E-Verify mandatory for all employers that would result in the removal of illegals form the workforce. Miranda said that “would be the will of the people, but I wouldn’t support it.”
I spent nearly 20 minutes trying to learn from Miranda why he believes illegal aliens are more entitled to search for a better life than American citizens, and the best I was able to determine from the conversation was that somebody has to be punished for Corporate America’s ongoing exportation of American jobs, and U.S. citizens fit the bill.
If any readers of this blog can explain how outsourcing of jobs is somehow related to permitting illegal aliens to remain in our workforce, especially with a job market that many economist say won’t substantially improve any time soon, please let me know. (I barely made it through Economics 101.)
When I asked Miranda why he didn’t make his position more clear in his column he said, “You don’t want to lay all your cards on the table at once,” adding that future columns would continue to reveal his proposals to deal with a public policy issue that affects every aspect of our daily lives.
What’s clear to me is that Esperanza Unida’s strategy is rooted in acceptance of lawlessness and that it will accept nothing less than amnesty for the nation’s 11 million illegals.
Is Miranda serious about solving the illegal immigration crisis? I think he is–provided that it in no way inconveniences illegal aliens.