
Hispanic Border Patrol Officers — Again

By James Fulford


Assuming you're not patrolling the border between Presque Isle, Maine, and New Brunswick, it helps a lot for a Border Patrol officer to speak Spanish. That, and the demographics of Texas, New Mexico, and California, mean that there are a lot of Mexican-American Border Patrol officers.

The CBP is proud of this, and has a web page boasting about it, written Christopher Rodriguez, Hispanic Employment Program Manager, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, which says:

The CBP Officers and Border Patrol Agents of Hispanic heritage play a vital role in protecting our nation. Esther Esparza, Entry Specialist at the El Paso, Tex. field office, notes that, "CBP Hispanic employees are an invaluable asset regardless of the duties they perform. Our biculturalism promotes a greater understanding of the diverse people we encounter and work with along the southern border." For example, CBP Officer Jose E. Melendez-Perez was recognized by the Commissioner for his alertness in blocking the entry of a potential terrorist at the Orlando International Airport. The suspect was ultimately arrested in Afghanistan and is being held in custody at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.CBP Today — September 2004 — Hispanic Americans: making a difference in our communities and our nation

However, we've also mentioned resulting corruption:The Wall Street Journal & Border Patrol Corruption.

Anyhow, here’s today’s story from the El Paso Times

El Paso Times — Fugitive Border Patrol agent caught A Border Patrol agent who was arrested last year on bribery charges and who fled to Mexico while out of jail on bond has been arrested in Mexico, officials with the U.S. Marshals Service said.

Arturo Arzate Jr., 47, is accused of waving loads of drugs through the checkpoint on Highway 62/180 east of El Paso, federal court documents state. He had been a Border Patrol agent for 20 years.

Officials said he was arrested Aug. 16 by Mexican officials in Torreon in the state of Coahuila. He had been a fugitive since February, officials said. He will be extradited back to the United States.

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