Hispanic Enrichment And Florida Horses

By Patrick Cleburne


Hat tip, American Renaissance’s wonderful news aggregator: 2nd Teen Held in North Miami-Dade Horse Killings Jose Pagliery, Miami Herald, Sept. 23, 2009:

Santiago Cabrera, a 19-year-old from Hialeah, was arrested Monday night and charged with…killing a registered breed horse … Police said Cordero — who was found with a duffle bag filled with garbage bags, rope and a butcher knife — confessed to breaking into a Miami Gardens ranch on Sept. 9… Cordero and others secretly entered the Lazy L Ranch…and pulled the horse, King Quizi, out of its stall. The police report states Cordero ''used a rope to tie the horse’s legs and push it to the ground.'' Another man nicknamed Flaco then ''cut the horse’s throat and immediately began to cut the horse’s front quarters as the horse was suffering an agonizing death.'' They stuffed the meat into bags and drove off in a red pickup truck…A metal pipe was used ''to break the horse’s front legs,'' according to the police report.

Brenda Walker had previously noted this Hispanic cultural enrichment, given the reason, and documented the sadism which appears to be an indispensable ingredient for the perpetrators.

Come back ex-Senator Mel Martinez! Now we see we need you! Explain again how Hispanics are such a wonderful improvement to America!

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