Hispanic Hype Alert: Without Soros Funding, May Day Rallies Lack Appeal To Hispanics
This is in the Seattle Times
May Day protests show weak immigration movement
While a black preacher told about 100 immigration protesters that incarcerated blacks and detained immigrants faced similar challenges, Jesse Morgan stood to one side of the May Day demonstrators, holding a large sign that read "Radical Queers Resist."
By Kate Brumback And Peter Prengaman, Associated Press, May 2, 2012
What there was not at this rally was a huge number of Hispanics, as Steve Sailer points out below. One illegal immigrant, who was interviewed at a rally, said this:
"Gustavo Madrigal, a 20-year-old illegal immigrant who attended the Atlanta May Day rally, said he keeps attending the rallies because he has 'always been taught that an American doesn’t give up.'”
Top marks for assimilation to Mr. Madrigal, whose parents brought him illegally to the US from Mexico when he was 9, but that just emphasizes the point that most Hispanic immigrants don’t think that way. They’re simply not engaged by American politics.
Don’t forget that the massive rallies of 2006 were so massive because they were funded by George Soros, and supported by employers who gave their illegal employees the day off to rally for the cause of cheap labor. [Tyson Confirms 5 Beef Plants, 4 Pork Plants Down Monday, (Dow Jones), April 27, 2006 ] If Soros keeps his wallet closed, and Tyson keeps their plants open, there’s going to be a lot fewer demonstrators.
For what illegals might have been doing instead on May Day, see Report From Occupied America: Sunday in the Park with Jorge, by Steve Sailer.