Hmore Hmong Hmadness
Congress passed a rule that you can’t be a refugee if you're a terrorist. The Bush Administration has been working on getting around that. This will include, as Brenda Walker put it, Hmore Hmong.
Administration Offers Plan to Ease Rules on Asylum — New York Times January 12, 2007 Administration Offers Plan to Ease Rules on Asylum By RACHEL L. SWARNSWASHINGTON, Jan. 11 — After months of pressure from lawmakers, conservative groups and advocates for immigrants, the Bush administration announced plans on Thursday to seek legislation that would provide relief to thousands of refugees and asylum seekers who have been inadvertently denied refuge because of antiterrorism laws.
The laws, including the USA Patriot Act and the Real ID Act, deny entry to anyone who belongs to or has provided material support to armed rebel groups, even if that support was coerced and even if the armed groups fought alongside American troops or opposed authoritarian governments criticized by the Bush administration.
The new legislative proposal would allow the resettlement of combatants and members of those armed groups, including refugees fleeing the authoritarian government of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma; hundreds of refugees from Vietnam and Laos who fought alongside American troops in the Vietnam War; and dozens of Cubans who supported armed groups opposed to Fidel Castro in the 1960s.