Homeland Security Committee Considers Visa Overstays
Since an estimated 40 percent of illegal aliens are visa overstayers rather than unlawful border crossers, it would make sense for Congress to put some resources into that area.
In addition, overstaying visas has been a popular entrance style for terrorists from 9/11 to the present (e.g. the Moroccan aspiring jihadist Amine el Khalifi). In fact, more than 36 visa overstayers have been convicted of terrorism-related charges since 2001, so national security concerns should compel Congress to get serious about tracking foreigners in this country. Better late than never, we citizens may think.
With this background in mind, the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security held a hearing March 6 titled “From the 9/11 Hijackers to Amine el-Khalifi: Terrorists and the Visa Overstay Problem.”
Here’s a clip from the opening statement of Chair Candice Miller:
Note the positive mention of Secure Communities in the article following, a program which has received a lot of criticism from the open-borders gang.
System for tracking visa overstays is almost ready, Associated Press, March 6, 2012
The Department of Homeland Security is finalizing its plan for a biometric data system to track when immigrants leave the United States and will present it to Congress within “weeks,” a top department official told a House Homeland Security subcommittee Tuesday.
An exit system to track who is leaving the country and when has been sought since before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. DHS officials, including Secretary Janet Napolitano, have agreed with the need for such a program but previously have said it would be too costly.
John Cohen, the department’s deputy counterterrorism coordinator, did not discuss the cost in his testimony about the problem of immigrants who overstay visas. He said the department’s report to Congress will explain how DHS plans to better determine who has overstayed his or her visa.
The criminal case against Amine El Khalifi, 29, of Alexandria, accused in an alleged bomb plot against the U.S. Capitol, has renewed the debate about how the U.S. government — a decade after the terror attacks of 2001 — routinely fails to track millions of foreign visitors who remain in the country longer than they are allowed. El Khalifi was arrested in a parking lot, wearing what he thought was an explosive-laden suicide vest. He had been living illegally in the United States for 12 years.
The Obama administration doesn’t consider deporting people whose only offense is overstaying a visa a priority. It has focused immigration enforcement efforts on people who have committed serious crimes or are considered a threat to public or national security.
Mr. Cohen said improvements in how data from immigrants is collected and stored has made it easier for law enforcement to identify visa overstays and determine if they pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Rep. Candice S. Miller, Michigan Republican, who led Tuesday’s hearing, said El Khalifi “follows a long line of terrorists, including several of the 9/11 hijackers, who overstayed their visa and went on to conduct terror attacks.” His tourist visa expired the same year he arrived from his native Morocco as a teenager in 1999.
She said 36 people who overstayed visas have been convicted of terrorism-related charges since 2001.
“We have to recognize that we do have this problem,” Ms. Miller said. “The truth is, in the 40[th] percentile of all the illegal [immigrants] are in this country on expired visas. They came in right through the front door.”
El Khalifi, who is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, never came to the attention of federal law enforcement agencies even after a series of minor run-ins with police in Northern Virginia from 2002 to 2006, including disobeying a traffic sign and speeding. Programs that could have identified him if he had been jailed by local authorities, including the Secure Communities program, which shares fingerprints from local jails with the FBI, were not in place at the time.