Houston Chronicle Doesn’t Know How Bad Immigration Enthusiasm Can Get

By Brenda Walker


For the most part, this is a sensible editorial from the Houston Chronicle, which recently presented a fine series detailing how illegal alien criminals are running amok because of the failures of government and law enforcement.

But there is a certain naivete …

The exact shape of immigration reform may be subject to endless debate. But there’s something close to consensus on what to do with undocumented immigrants already in our midst who commit violent crimes: Confine them to prison and then deport them.[Emphasis added] [ICE failure to detect, deport criminal aliens shows distorted priorities, November 25, 2008]

If only that were so! In fact, many foreigners residing in America don’t want any law enforcement applied to illegal aliens at all, not even the worst criminals who prey upon their tribe.

For example, San Francisco Hispanics were angry that a passel of dangerous MS-13 gang members were arrested Oct. 22, and some of the non-arrested demonstrated in front of the ICE office: Operation Devil Horns: Salvadorans Targeted in Anti-Gang ICE Raids.

Eric Quezada, candidate for supervisor in San Francisco’s District 9, was among the demonstrators at the rally organized by the Alianza Latinoamericana por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes (Latin American Alliance for Immigrant Rights) and other immigrant rights groups.

The local politician believes arrests like those recently conducted by ICE should be left to the local police. He thinks these kinds of actions "put the whole comunity at risk" by making people reluctant to go to the police for fear of immigration authorities.

Quezada says Operation Devil Horns "connects immigration to crime and (San Francsco’s) Santuary City (status) in order to turn it into a political problem."

Total BS. First of all, the Hispanics would be complaining just as much if their pals had been rounded up by the SFPD rather than ICE. The arrests of the MS-13 gangsters followed the triple murder last summer of the Bologna family by a previously arrested gang member, plus the gang murder of a 14-year-old Hispanic boy with a sword a couple weeks ago. San Francisco’s permissive sanctuary policy has turned the once charming city into a diverse crime theme park.

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