Houston’s Incompetent Mayor Sylvester Turner Said He Didn’t Order Evacuation Because There Was NO PLAN. Isn’t That His Job?

By Linda Thom


Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, said that he did not order an evacuation because there was no plan for a coordinated evacuation. That is so incredibly incompetent that it is difficult to believe. [Houston mayor defends decision not to evacuate ahead of Harvey, By David K. Li August 28, NY Post 2017]

The mayor [Tweet him] asserts that telling everyone to evacuate at the same time creates chaos. Indeed, it does create chaos if everyone is told to evacuate at the same time. That is why a plan should be in place for orderly evacuations prior to mega storms hitting. Houston gets regular deluges. Everyone knew the storm was coming.[Houston knew it was at risk of flooding, so why didn’t the city evacuate? By Dakin Andone, CNN, August 29, 2017]

Where will the evacuees go? That is in the plan. Law officers control the exit and they route evacuees to destinations ready to receive them. That is in the emergency management plan.

How do I know? I worked for a California County administrator. We had emergency plans and we practiced. During emergencies, such as fires and earthquakes, we were prepared to get residents to safety and to help people during and after the events.

My husband and I had an evacuation plan for our family. Good thing too because when we were ordered to evacuate because of fire, even our kids had jobs and they knew what to do. Our son planned to take his stuffed bear. Teddy got out safely.

Do all of you, dear readers, have two weeks of water and non-perishable food stored in case of emergency? My husband and I do. We live in subduction earthquake territory now.

Sylvester Harvey is incompetent and he has made the hurricane disaster worse because there is no plan. Emergency management plans are good government 101.

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