“How Does It Feel To Be A Black Person In Society?” Pretty Good, If You’re A Federal Judge!

By James Fulford


Steve Sailer quotes the NYT below:

[Judge Nicholas Garaufis, a]product of the machine-driven world of Queens politics, he fiercely opposed federally mandated integration efforts as a young school board member from a mostly white district in the 1970s. Decades later, he pulled aside a black colleague on the federal bench and asked him searchingly, “How does it feel to be a black person in society?”

Steve Sailer’s sardonic response is "And then Judge Garaufis asked his black colleague, "May I touch your hair?"

But seriously, if it was a "black colleague on the federal bench" the answer to Garaufis’s question “How does it feel to be a black person in society?” should have been "Pretty damn good. I’m a Federal Judge!"

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