
How Long Before Israel’s Unwelcome Black "Refugees" Get Dumped On America?

By Patrick Cleburne


Bound for the USA? African immigrants in Israel

In March last year I wondered Libyan Involvement To Trigger Third-World Invasion of U.S. As Well As Europe?

Given President Obama’s predilections and the ambitions of the Refugee Industry, America has reason to fear the U.S. involvement in Libya will be used as an excuse for more Third World imports.

H/T the wonderful Refugee Resettlement Watch blog for the answer

Arab Spring leaves refugees on the Libyan/Egyptian border — US picks up the pieces May 22 2012

Told you so! We would join the coalition of European nations which took on Gaddafi (Qadhafi) in Libya and our reward would be — you guessed it! — we get the refugees!

Here is an article that gives you a window into a process on-going as a result of that joyous Arab spring. Immigrants who want to escape Libya and are not allowed into Egypt are stuck at a border crossing called Sallum where the UN and our Dept. of Homeland Security are sorting through them to see which ones we get to bring to America!

This links to North Africa: UNHCR Strives to Find Solutions for Refugees At Egypt-Libya BorderBy Leo Dobbs All 21 May 2012 (UNHCR is the United Nation Refugee Agency.)

Sallum, Egypt — Andrew Mok, computer open in front of him, faced the Sudanese man across the table in a converted freight container and began the interview.

“Please do not make any false statements because that could have a negative impact on your application,” the 23-year-old from Hong Kong informed the man, who was bidding to be recognized as a refugee. “Everything you tell UNHCR will be strictly confidential,” he added, reassuringly.

Refugee status determination (RSD) is a vital part of UNHCR’s daily protection work and the above scene is replicated every day in UNHCR operations around the world.

…at Sallum…those being interviewed are stuck at a busy border crossing, unable or unwilling to go home or back to Libya, and not allowed to go further inside Egypt. There are around 2,000 people left…

While the RSD process is almost over, it will take many more months before all of those referred for resettlement finally get to leave for their new homes. That’s partly because “only six resettlement countries have taken cases from Sallum,” said Heidi Boener. “We are heavily dependent on the United States,” added the resettlement officer…

Boener said more than 1,400 people had been referred to the US for resettlement and the visiting DHS staff planned to meet a first group of about 250 for a so-called first circuit interview, with plans to return about every three months to talk to a similar number each time

(Emphasis RRW)

RRW has figured out that Heidi Boener works for the International Catholic Migration Commission, which is half funded by the US Taxpayer.

The reason the Israelis are having such a troublesome buildup of Black Africans is that most arrivals claim to be refugees from troubled countries and there are legal and practical obstacles to repatriating them. In other words, they are in a similar situation to the refugees at Sallum.

How long before some sycophantic Congresscritter proposes America help Israel out (more)?

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