How Mexicans See Americans

By James Fulford


A while back, (before the election) blogger Udolpho correctly predicted the Republican Party’s defeat in the recent elections, and wrote that, among other failures, Bush’s "pandering to Mexicans hasn’t made them hate America any less — if anything they hate us more because they are contemptuous of our weakness.*"

The footnote that goes with that asterisk is these extremely interesting tables:

* Note these tables from Zogby — they speak volumes:
On Mexicans: Hard Working Honest Law Abiding Tolerant Racist
How The U.S. Sees Mexicans 78% 42% 34% 44% 18%
How Mexicans See Mexicans 76% 49% 39% 45% 17%
On Americans: Hard Working Honest Law Abiding Tolerant Racist
How The U.S. Sees Americans 56% 41% 46% 36% 35%
How Mexicans See Americans 26% 16% 40% 17% 73%
Good luck on assimilation.

Yes, good luck! And of course, those Americans who think that Mexicans aren’t racist, by American standards, and even by the somewhat relaxed standards of, are wrong — Mexican attitudes in racial matters are extremely retrograde.

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