How’s Our Cultural Revolution Going? (2) AP Collaborates With (A) Mexicans And (B) Hamas
In a Radio Derb segment last month Idescribed
the Associated Press as, quote, "a lefty outfit fronting for the anti-white, anti-American establishment." There was further evidence of that this week from the Washington Free Beacon: How the AP Slanted Border Coverage to Hide the Crisis, by Joseph Simonson, May 18, 2021 5:00 amAP, like all major news outlets, has a stylebook telling writers and speakers what words and phrases are approved or not approved. Because the AP is such a big deal in news-gathering, their stylebook is a big influence on everyone else’s stylebook.
Back in March AP used the word "surge" to describe the, well, surge of aliens coming over our southern border illegally. That got them a rap on the knuckles from Hispanic supremacist Julio Ricardo Varela [Tweet him] who published an angry op-ed in the Washington Post about it a few days later.
Varela, half-Italian (he’s Mario Biaggi’s grandson) half-Puerto Rican, also objected to the word "sneak" to describe illegals entering across the border. These words are, he fumed, no way to describe poor and oppressed people who are just trying to put food on their families.
AP groveled and updated its stylebook. No more "surge" and "sneak." Approved replacements are "entering," "crossing the border," and "increase."
I'll leave you free to imagine the expression on my face watching Israeli planes collapse that Gaza building that was home to both AP and a Hamas unit.