HR 5957 — Next Best Thing To Impeachment To Block Obama’s Administrative Amnesty?

By Patrick Cleburne



Congressman David Schweikert (AZ-5th)

H/T Daniel Horowitz of RedState — who was also impressively fast on the draw when Obama’s Youth Amnesty was announced — for Congressman Schweikert Takes a Stand Against Obama’s Illegal Amnesty June 19th 2012

One man has stepped forward to put an end to Obama’s kingdom. Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) has introduced a bill, H.R. 5957, which would block the Secretary of Homeland Security from deferring deportations or from limiting the enforcement of our immigration laws.

There are scattered signs that GOP Congressmen — all of whom of course face the electorate in November — are getting worried that Romney’s contemptibly weak failure to condemn the Obamacrat Administrative Amnesty coup, even on non-racially charged Constitutional grounds, will cost them votes. They already face the likely abstention of the Paulistas due to the sale of foreign policy to the Neocons. And just possibly, some of them are realizing that properly handled, the issue could galvanize the white vote, as we have discussed here and here.

Speaker Boehner should redeem himself by rapidly bringing this measure to a vote (and not just a voice vote). The reason no immigration legislation was attempted in the 111th Congress despite towering Democrat majorities was that members were afraid to be seen voting for Amnesty. This vote is doubly lethal because quite apart from the substance of the issue a great many Americans revere the Constitution.

In the mean time, whether or not a Congressman co-sponsors this bill is going to be an excellent acid test of his soundness on immigration reform.

Of course, the proper response in’s view is impeachment, well argued recently by Michael Filozof at American Thinker: If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be ImpeachedJune 16, 2012 (H/T Angry White Dude). But this tactic is less scary.

Tracking who signs on to HR 5957 is going to be very revealing.

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