Hugh Hewitt And The GOP Establishment On Immigration
Hugh Hewitt [Message him on Twitter] is a GOP establishment guy. He’s also a pro-immigration guy. I suppose he’s got some good, conservative thoughts on some political issues, but but on immigration, he has two ideas, one cowardly, and one evil. The cowardly first:
On Saturday I will be debating Mark Kirkorian on immigration policy before the National Review Institute.
I am a "wet," on the topic. Have been since I opposed California’s proposition 187 in 1994.
Mark, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, is a "dry."
Here’s the interesting thing about out "debate," to be moderated by National Review's Jim Geraghty: Even if one or the other of us succeeds in persuading everyone in the room of our point of view, it doesn’t matter. Not a lick. The GOP is branded as an anti-immigrant party, especially with voters under 30, the suicide demographic. I call it that because if that demographic remains fixed against one or the other of the parties, it is suicide for that party.
So all the debates in the world don’t matter. We have to get past the issue. Every day in which immigration is debated in the national media is another day the GOP loses a media cycle. Bringing up "deportation" hasn’t quite reached the level of self-destructiveness as discussions of rape, but it is a close second. The GOP needs to welcome whatever bill the president sends up, improve on it by substituting some of the best ideas of Senator Rubio, and passing it. ASAP.[The GOP’s Immigration Mess By Hugh Hewitt (January 25, 2013)]
So "deportation" arouses hatred in the media and from the Hispanic activists, and therefore the GOP should surrender to the invasion. That’s the cowardly part.
The evil part is here:
Immigration reform is fairly simple: Good people who are here illegally get to stay but not be eligible for some benefits immediately and they do not get to vote in a vast regularization. If you want to be a citizen as opposed to a permanent resident you have to go home and get in line for what should be a vastly expanded visa system. We keep upping border security by finishing the fence and overhauling the visa system.
Brilliant! Business gets its cheap labor, American workers get marginalized, but the GOP Senators and Congressmen don’t suddenly get new Democratic voters in their district.
We've seen this before: the blog I did on it was called Gingrich And Super Rich Against American Workers — "Red Card" Program Means GOP Congressmen The Only Americans Whose Jobs Will Be Safe.
As for the reaction of actual Republicans/conservatives/concerned Americans to Hewitt, see the comment thread, with "220 Comments So Far" most of them violently hostile to Hewitt.