Hungarian Intelligence Expert Describes How Muslim Conquest of Europe May Play Out

By Brenda Walker


László Földi, a Hungarian security analyst, appeared recently on a news show to offer his expertise about the current migration situation in Europe. He warned that “thousands of Muslim soldiers arrived here” via Chancellor Merkel’s foolish opening of Europe’s borders more than a year ago.

What Földi says about the invasion strategy makes perfect sense: the newly arriving jihad soldiers will use existing Muslim immigrant enclaves in Europe as a base of operations for hijra (immigration utilized for Islamic invasion). The unassimilated majority of Europe-residing Muslims will be a population from which more active jihadists can be recruited and trained. Even the non-chopper friends of jihad will vote for the Islamist political parties, and power can be gained gradually through demographic change (as we have seen in California).

In addition, the soldiers of Islam will be able to fight their European neighbors from the fortresses of no-go zones to expand outward.

INTERVIEWER: Our guest is the intelligence service expert László Földi. Welcome, good morning. Is there anybody in the EU or in Europe who could tell us within plus/minus 200,000: How many migrants do we have on the continent?

LÁSZLÓ FÖLDI: I think the problem is bigger than this: Can they tell, WHO ARE the one million people? So the situation is completely catastrophic from this point of view. And the reason for this — as we mentioned it many times — is the policy of open borders when innumerable masses arrived. About a year or a year and a half ago it was a taboo topic to even mention the possibility that terrorists can be mixed in with the migrants.

There was a TV show — I will not say the name — where the reporter said it is stupid for migrants to come here on dangerous trips in inflatable boats, when terrorists can just fly here comfortably. The problem is not that. They could fly here too. But the fact is, thousands of Muslim soldiers arrived here.

This is not terrorism in its classic meaning we are talking about here, but an attack, an invasion which has two purposes: In the first place, get as many as possible well-trained soldiers into Europe, and their primary task is to enlist the local Muslim population, those second- or third-generation Muslims who live in the “non-existent” no-go zones. More than 50% do not want to integrate into the host culture; they are the members of a potential future army.

INTERVIEWER: Those refugees — let’s call them refugees based on the definition of the ’51 Bern Convention — who escape from racial, religious, ethnic or political persecution, facing life-threatening dangers — so these are the refugees. Why they did not go to the rich oil countries right in the neighborhood?

FÖLDI: Another type of strategy exists — besides sending soldiers and terrorists to Europe — but the conquest of Europe in another, more peaceful way. The oil countries are not letting them in because they know they are not capable of doing any useful jobs, but they also need a new mass base in Europe, once the oil runs out and they move over to Europe, to create political parties for them. These people will vote for the Islamic parties, which will be created in Europe; they will achieve membership in parliaments with their critical mass. For this it’s a perfect occasion as Europe invites in their future potential voters. Nobody should believe it will be for the existing traditional political parties. From the moment when these Islamic parties are established — the oil countries have plenty of money for this — they will vote for nobody else.

INTERVIEWER: The motto of the European Union is “Unity in Diversity”. This diversity in the heads of the establishing fathers of the EU (Schuman) most likely did not mean the same thing as today.

FÖLDI: Even so, because as a result of migration, the ethnic structure of Europe will change forever. Diversity meant Hungarian or French, German and Russian. But they never thought that a religious law, Shariah, will get introduced in Europe. Nobody could have thought about that seriously. If the situation does not change, and Europe continues to struggle with an inner war — because this is what we see — the Shariah will achieve, from 1.5 years from now — I hope I am wrong — that we will talk about how many European areas have civil war. Because the problems with the no-go zones, that someone should not go there in the daytime and especially at night, but from there, well-trained and -armed Muslim soldiers will exit the no-go zones and start to expand to the surrounding areas, and they will be start fighting with the native population, who will be trying to defend themselves. The authorities will not be able to handle this process with their existing logic.

INTERVIEWER: What would be the consequences if it is true what the EU-accredited Turkish ambassador said in a couple of days ago? That if Turkey does not receive visa exemptions this month, October — which would be for 90 days for tourism and family visits — then they will nullify the existing agreement between them and the EU. They renounce a treaty.

FÖLDI: Huge masses will start coming. The Turks used this threat, and they will redeem this promise. We should threaten Turkey also. Tell them we will kick them out of NATO. The dilemma here is that Turkey does not have an agreement, and it is not committed to protect its allies and member states of NATO only based on the Charter, because it is a member.

INTERVIEWER: And their army is the second largest in the NATO?

FÖLDI: Yes, it is true, 10% is their number compared to the whole alliance. The USA represents 75%, the remaining 15% is everybody else. I would like to add to this, from the financing point of view, 51% of the budget comes from those 15% and the remaining 49% is paid by USA and Turkey together. This is an interesting situation, because the 15% could not assert their rights, for example for the protection of Europe.

INTERVIEWER: What can the European Union do against Turkey? Give up democratic principles or allow Turkish pressure? They are in the perfect position to be blackmailed.

FÖLDI: Europe has no antidote against Turkey. The last agreement that Merkel tried was the last straw, from this point of view no one could condemn her, she tried to build a defense with this. But this only increased the Turks’ self-confidence. There is only one possible way to get out of this situation: If would threaten them with terminating their NATO membership. And from that moment they would be gone from the stage of world politics. Right now we do not make this move.

INTERVIEWER: László Földi — Thank you very much!

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