ICE Dodges Duty In San Gabriel Birth Tourism Scandal
Last week Steve Sailer noted the discovery of a birth tourism facility in San Gabriel California. This one catered to Chinese. Last year we discussed the Marmara Manhattan operation, which dealt with Turks. Birth Tourism is a small but particularly outrageous component of the problem caused "Anchor Baby" misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. The Federale blog turned its legal laser on this story to reveal the ugly fact: ICE Unconcerned About Illegal Aliens.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has declined to investigate or arrest the illegal aliens. Most likely the aliens in question obtained visas and entered the United States, but it is unlikely that those aliens obtained their visas by stating that they would be coming to the U.S. to give birth … as the Department of State does not give visitor visas to Chinese to give birth in the U.S.
Federale's point is that the Los Angeles Times story to which Steve linked 'Birthing tourism' center in San Gabriel shut down by Ching-Ching Ni March 25, 2011 is wrong about the law when it said
It is not illegal for pregnant women to travel to the U.S. to give birth. Birthing centers advertise in wealthier Chinese cities, where some women can afford the thousands necessary to make the trip to America for a few months.
Federale has previously indentified chapter and verse on this. In the AP account which Federale uses California "maternity tourists" center shut down By Christina Hoag and Raquel Maria Dillon we read:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement would only investigate if the case involved fraudulently obtained visas, agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice said.
Since the true purpose of these women’s trip could not have been disclosed, their visas were fraudulent — and ICE resolutely looks the other way. The AP story also quotes area Congresswoman Judy Chu (NumbersUSA Career grade F-) putting her ethnic loyalties (and husband’s business interests) ahead of her (putative) nationality:
Rep. Judy Chu, D-El Monte, said traveling to this country to give birth is not a common practice and defended automatic citizenship for children born in the U.S. "The 14th Amendment is fundamental to the U.S. and too important to change because of the practice of a few,"
Closing the Anchor baby loophole is essential to the survival of America. That is why the Treason Lobby is desperate to prevent it being closed.