ICE Now In The Alien Smuggling Business, Delivering Illegal Minors To Their Illegal Parents INSIDE The US.
By Federale
Recently in the news is that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), the organization in ICE charged with finding and removing illegal aliens in the United States, has bee aiding alien smuggling instead of combating it.
It has been long known that ICE ERO had a policy of taking no enforcement action against minor illegal aliens who have been smuggled into the United States and not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The law states clearly that those aliens are supposed to go into removal proceedings, but are to be placed into the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).
The law states that unaccompanied minors are to housed and cared for in a non-custodian setting and action taken in the best interests of the child, but ORR in fact acts as a advocate for increased immigration and treats every child as a political asylum applicant, rather than an illegal alien who should be returned to their country of origin. The theory behind ORR has been that unaccompanied minors are fleeing violence and oppression in their home countries and are inherently political asylees.
However the reality is that unaccompanied minors are all smuggled aliens seeking to join family members already illegally in the United States. The neo-Marxists claim that their parents are victims of various political issues in their home countries and the unaccompanied children should be treated similarly. The major problem is that their parents are already in the United States and overwhelmingly have not either applied for asylum or been denied asylum.
Most unaccompanied minors are encountered at the Mexican border and are overwhelmingly from Central America, but there large numbers of South Asians and Chinese as well. All are economic migrants, as are their parents, who make large payments to smuggling organizations to bring their children to the United States.
Now, the most recent development, ICE ERO is in the alien smuggling business:
The Daily Caller December 19, 2013 by Caroline May
Judge: DHS Delivering Young Illegals Caught At Border To Illegal Immigrant Parents
A case out of Texas has a federal judge asking just which side of the law the Department of Homeland Security is working for.
United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas Brownsville Division Andrew S. Hanen rebuked DHS for helping to deliver an illegal immigrant minor — detained at the border with her human smuggler — to her illegal immigrant mother living in Virginia.
Homeland Security “successfully complet[ed] the mission of the criminal conspiracy” to smuggle the child across the border to her parent, the judge wrote in an order issued on Dec. 13.
Now this is quite different from the issue of unaccompanied minors being placed in the custody of ORR and placed in removal proceedings. It is actually alien smuggling, aiding and abetting entry without inspection, as well as conspiracy, violations of Title 8 United States Code (USC) 1324, Bringing In And Harboring Certain Aliens, 18 USC 2 Principles (Aiding and Abetting), 8 USC 1325, Improper Entry By Alien, 18 USC 371, Conspiracy. Delivering a smuggled alien to the person seeking the smuggling is a crime. It is not arresting and delivering an alien to the custody of the ORR, but aiding illegal entry by an alien.
This however is not new. This blog has been documenting the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to enforce immigration laws and documented assistance various agencies in DHS has let to illegal aliens, including smuggling children and not arresting the illegal alien parents. This blog has also documented ICE’s assistance to illegal alien workers.
ICE ERO has addressed the issue, then lied about it.
Fox News December 24, 2013 by Judson Berger
ICE Director Defends Transport Of Illegal Immigrant Children As 'Appropriate And Legal'
The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement defended the role of federal agents in transporting illegal immigrant children after a federal judge complained they were hand-delivering smuggled kids to parents in the United States.
“While the court’s comments did not relate specifically to ICE, it is clear that the transportation of unaccompanied children (UAC) by ICE personnel is appropriate and legal,” acting Director John Sandweg wrote in a brief email obtained by email was sent Monday and addressed to “all ICE employees.”
Sandweg noted that “recent media reports” on the judge’s order had “prompted discussion about whether ICE personnel may lawfully transport alien minors.”
He was referring to a Dec. 13 order by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Texas, which claimed federal agents were intercepting human smugglers transporting children at the U.S.-Mexico border — and then delivering those children to illegal immigrant parents in the U.S.
However, Sandweg was using misdirection: the judge did not address transportation of children to HHS ORR, but directing to the illegal alien parents in the United States.
Those parents who paid a smuggler to bring their children to the United States. If the children had not been caught by the U.S. Border Patrol, the children would have successfully been smuggled. But in this case the conspiracy to smuggle and the smuggling act were completed by ICE ERO personnel. That is a crime.
Impeachment is the answer. The Obama Regime has gone from not enforcing Federal law, to giving benefits to illegal aliens, to actively bringing illegal aliens into the United States. Where is John Boehner?