
ICE SVU Exposing Americans To China Flu By Not Deporting Infected Illegal Aliens

By Federale


ICE SVU is how I pejoratively refer to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations (ICE HSI), one of the immigration law enforcement components of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) known for its refusal to enforce immigration laws.

However, another enforcement component of DHS, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), appears to want in on the ICE SVU action. In this case, as in other recent actions to protect illegal aliens infected with the Kung Fu Flu, ICE SVU, this time the ICE ERO version, is deliberately acting to expose more Americans to the officially designated dangerous Chinese Virus. Now, for the record, the Wu Flu is dangerous only to the elderly and infirm, but officially we have shut down the nation because of it, so it is classified as a deadly danger to all Americans. Despite this ICE SVU, ICE ERO version, is acting to kill Americans in order to protect other nations by keeping illegal aliens ordered removed and scheduled to be deported in the United States. This time, instead of protecting Mexico and exposing Americans to infection, it is Haiti and Haitians that the Deep State saboteurs at ICE SVU are acting on behalf of. And doing so in response to explicit and deliberate campaigns to stop deportations by the Anti-Trump Lying Press.

U.S. immigration authorities did not deport five detainees back to Haiti on Monday who had tested positive for the often deadly COVID-19 respiratory disease, Haitian officials have been told.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation flight, which landed in Port-au-Prince from San Antonio, Texas, shortly before 1 p.m. Monday, also was expected to have only 50 people — 14 with criminal backgrounds and 36 others, including children — aboard rather than the 100 deportees Haitian officials were anticipating.

Jean NĂ©got Bonheur Delva, the head of Haiti’s Office of National Migration, said he was not told why the other deportees were not on board.

[ICE Removes Detainees With Coronavirus From Deportation Flight To Haiti, by Monique O. Madan And Jacqueline Charles, Miami Herald, May 11, 2020]

So, there we have it, 50 missing illegal aliens on a scheduled deportation flight to Haiti, though initially we are told that only 5 are infected with the Chinese Virus. But what excuse for the other 45 not being deported? We don’t know, but likely they won the ICE SVU Wuhan Virus lottery to remain in the United States, possibly to be released to infect the general public or help kill additional ICE contract security guards at detention facilities.

And the Lying Press at the Herald is quite proud of the influence their gutter journalism has on the either hapless bureaucrats or deliberate saboteurs in the ICE SVU Miami office.

ICE’s decision to not deport the five detainees with COVID-19 comes days after a Miami Herald story detailed how the Department of Homeland Security had planned to deport infected Haitian nationals. The Herald, which had obtained a copy of the flight manifest, confirmed the five detainees’ names were on the original deportation flight list.

There is no explanation for this China Flu Amnesty for illegal aliens that ICE SVU is running other than sabotage or fecklessness before the Lugen Presse. Aliens scheduled for deportation should be deported regardless of any infection. Protecting Americans is their first duty, not Mexicans or Haitians.

In any event, these illegal aliens must be somewhere during their infection, so not being in the United States is the best choice. Also note that the Haitian officials expected to receive these infected Haitians, so it is no reason not to deport them, or the other 45 who are likely infected as well. The Wu Flu has already hit Haiti, but it has a young and healthy population, so infection and exposure is of no public health consequences. Also the heat and humidity of Haiti are a hostile environment for the Chinese Virus, so, again, there is no reason not to put the infected Haitians on a plane back home.

Marc Moore, Exposing Americans To Death By The Wuhan Coronavirus

This decision lies at the feet of the ICE ERO Field Office Director for Miami, Marc Moore. You can contact him here and at (954) 236-4900. Ask him, politely, why he decided to continue to expose his own subordinates and the American people to illegal aliens scheduled for deportation.

And where is Ken The Knife Cuccinelli?

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