ICE to Reveal Alien Criminal Stats in Prince William County (or So It Says)
On August 1, a previously arrested drunk-driving illegal alien killed a nun, Denise Mosier (pictured left), and seriously injured two others. The alien, Carlos Martinelly Montano (pictured right), had twice been handed over to ICE for deportation, but had instead been released into the community pending a deportation hearing (occasions which have notably poor attendance among those invited).
A few days later, the Chairman of the Prince William County board of supervisors, Corey Stewart requested information from ICE that would reveal how many illegal aliens are being released by the agency into the county and their crimes.
The rather surprising news is that ICE has agreed:
ICE Agrees to Release Illegal Immigrant Data to Virginia Official, Fox News, August 7, 2010This is good news if true. Dependable illegal alien crime statistics are normally hard to find and squishy. The government has routinely covered up, lied about and obfuscated the degree to which predatory foreign criminals have had their way in easy-going America. Authorities like to say they are pursuing the real bad guys, but recent history is replete with multiple cases of dangerous aliens arrested and released without being deported, with tragic results. (One crime that comes to mind is the preventable deaths of Tennesseeans Sean and Donna Wilson at the hands of a drunk-driving illegal who had been arrested 14 times without being deported.)”ICE contacted me this morning, with great news for Prince William County citizens. They have agreed to release to Prince William County the identities and final disposition of every convicted criminal illegal alien apprehended in Prince William County, Virginia and turned over to ICE through the county’s 287(g) partnership,” Stewart said in a statement.
Stewart said his county’s police referred Carlos Martinelly Montano for deportation twice in the past after he served sentences for drunk driving convictions. But immigration officials released Montano, who allegedly killed Sister Denise Mosier and injured two other nuns in the Aug. 1 accident, on his own recognizance pending a deportation hearing.
”Regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on, or on this issue, we can all agree that if you are an illegal alien and you’ve committed a crime, that you should be deported afterward,” Stewart told Fox News on Friday. “But this guy had been twice handed over to immigration officials and twice released back into the community even though there was an immigration detainer on him. And of course he’s gone right back out and committed the same crime and killed a nun.”
Some information about illegal alien crime is available, but mostly in limited quantities for local jurisdictions. For example in 2008 the Houston Chronicle did a fine investigative series on alien crime from researching the Harris County records of arrests and releases. The use of 287(g) which checks the status of arrested persons makes the number of aliens arrested available.
A recently released stat from ICE’s home office is that 120,000 criminal aliens have been deported in the last three years. That number is only 40,000 per year, and doesn’t count the crimes or classify them regarding violence and deaths. What’s needed is a true picture of the mayhem resulting from open borders and inadequate immigration law enforcement. Of course, all working aliens are job thieves (and may use a stolen Social Security number, a felony), which is not an insignificant crime during this employment depression.
Statistics are lifeless artifacts, which is why I have focused on the individual stories of crime victims for, but numeric information is required to develop adequate enforcement policy.
Anyway, the video below has more about Supervisor Stewart’s success in getting ICE to reveal local statistics, particularly the number of dangerous foreigners released instead of deported. Obviously the death of Sister Denise Mosier indicates the Obama gang is no more serious about criminal alien enforcement than previous administrations.