Iconic Brooklyn Bridge Is Abused by Amnesty Demanders

By Brenda Walker


I wasn’t going to report on the gaggle of well financed amnesty rallies over the weekend, but the Brooklyn Bridge display had too many appalling images of foreigner diversity to resist.

Effective political messaging can be harder than it looks, but seriously, the demands of foreign lawbreakers for “respect” (and all the rights and privileges of law-abiding citizens), is way over the top. In American culture, respect is earned, not automatic.

Plus, when the demands are made in a foreign language, Americans are rightly suspicious that assimilation might not be in the border-hoppers’ game plan.

Likewise the display of foreign flags, as demonstrated below:

The foreigners are saying by their actions that they remain loyal and culturally connected to their homelands. They want all the advantages of citizenship with none of the responsibility or normal community association with Americans.

What the heck is this creature? Even one of New York’s finest seems perplexed.

Look, there are several of the characters, diverse but similar. From an arts & crafts perspective, they are very nice, but the Mexican motifs suggest another message of “Screw you, America.” Just a wild guess.

Finally, here’s a cartoon upshot of the amnesty movement: Gimme, gimme!

There’s text also, with the usual leftist anti-sovereignty slant. Rewarding foreign lawbreakers is not “reform.”

Thousands cross Brooklyn Bridge Saturday to protest stoppage to immigration reform due to government shutdown, New York Daily News, October 5, 2013

Thousands of people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday — charging the same congressmen and women who let the government shut down are blocking desperately needed immigration reform.

“We are here today to demand the House take action. Leadership, stop delaying immigration reform,” said Steven Choi of the New York Immigration Coalition.

“Eleven million undocumented immigrants (are) here in the country with no way to become legal,” but the Republican leadership in Washington is dragging its heels on doing anything about the problem,” Choi said

While the Senate passed a sweeping bipartisan immigration reform bill in June that provides a lengthy path to citizenship, the measure has stalled in the House and appears unlikely to go anywhere before at least the end of the year.

The march was part of a nationwide push to jump-start the reforms, an effort that included more than 150 rallies in 40 states. Organizers estimated that more than 100,000 people participated nationwide.

In Brooklyn, more than 2,000 people gathered at Cadman Plaza before marching across the bridge.

“We are hoping today is going to galvanize immigrant communities who maybe haven’t been involved as much in the campaign that’s been going on all year. But it’s also to show the incredible momentum for reform,” said the immigrant coalition’s Jacki Esposito.

“These are people’s lives we’re talking about, families who are trying to put food on the table, young people who are trying to have a bright future.”

Democratic mayoral nominee Bill de Blasio was there to show his support for the cause.

In Washington, “they can’t figure out how to keep the government open right now,” de Blasio said, even though “our Congress is supposed to represent all the people in this country.”

Marcher Flor Bermudez, 40, originally from Mexico, brought her 5-year-old daughter to the protest. “Congress has taken too long to do anything on immigration,” Bermudez said.

Their inaction affects “my whole community,” she said.

Eduardo Romero, 60, from Nicaragua, said he and his co-workers at a Yonkers construction company are all undocumented.

“We want working papers,” he said. “We’re afraid they’ll deport us.”

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