Illegal Alien Causes Crash: Little Girl Dead in Omaha
The tragic toll of preventable deaths of innocent children by dangerous illegal alien drivers continues. Four-year-old Josie Bluhm was taken off life support on Wednesday in Omaha after the family car was stuck the previous day by red-light runner Eleazar Rangel-Ochoa.
It is remarkable that after so many cases of illegal aliens being in custody and then released that this sort of egregiously bad law enforcement goes on as before. The accused killer was convicted four times on DUI charges and his license was revoked, plus he was denied a state ID in 2004 when he was discovered to have a fraudulent Social Security number. Yet no one in authority bothered to contact the feds to deport him. Omaha has behaved like a sanctuary city in this case.
Despite repeated trips through Douglas County’s criminal justice system, Rangel-Ochoa wasn’t identified as an illegal immigrant until after this week’s crash.
Rangel-Ochoa’s license was reinstated in June 2000 after a driving-under-the-influence offense.
His license was revoked for 15 years after he was convicted in 2003 of third-offense DUI.
Federal authorities will pick up Rangel-Ochoa as soon as the local court system is done with him, said Tim Counts, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Federal judges will determine when or if Rangel-Ochoa is deported.
Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said it is the role of federal authorities to identify which inmates are illegal immigrants. He said he is unsure how Rangel-Ochoa made it in and out of jail so many times without authorities picking up on his status.
[Bail $1 million in fatal crash, Omaha World-Herald, May 15, 2009]
One report said the perp ran a red light because he was late for his job as a sheetrock hanger. You would think that an illegal alien driving with a suspended license would be a little bit careful. But he wasn’t, because in his 14 years of unlawfully residing in the United States and having several serious run-ins with the police, he had learned he had nothing to fear.