
Illegal Alien Crime Is Discussed on Fox — Sort Of

By Brenda Walker


Fox News’ adversarial approach in issue presentation leaves a great deal to be desired: “Fair and balanced” sets up opposing voices to show both sides of an issue. However, that strategy often produces more clamor than facts.

One recent example was Laura Ingraham’s presentation on the O’Reilly Factor about the media’s cover-up of illegal alien crimes, that normal reporting of crimes often omits the detail that the accused (or convicted) perp is an unlawful foreigner. It’s an important topic, but it got lost when the immigration attorney Daniel Hernandez wouldn’t shut up and allow CIS’ expert Steve Camarota to speak. The segment started off well, but disintegrated at the end — kind of proving the point that open-border activists will do anything to block information about the many illegal alien criminals assaulting this nation’s public safety.

The media would rather present happy-talk propaganda about alleged valedictorian aliens when there are far more dangerous foreign criminals than angelic scholars. Otherwise there wouldn’t be so many carve-outs in the Senate amnesty bill for violent criminals.

The Ingraham piece would have been enormously improved by having an informative chat with Steve Camarota only, who has done numerous reports for the Center for Immigration Studies and is very knowledgeable. Canada’s SunTV does one-on-one interviews with experts all the time and they are far more satisfying than the shouting matches one sees on Fox.

One topic that was stomped by the immigration lawyer was the San Francisco triple murder of the Bologna family, a father and two sons (pictured) by a previously arrested illegal alien who mistook them for enemy gangsters — a subject thoroughly covered in VDARE.com by myself and others. But Fox viewers didn’t get the whole disturbing story of how San Francisco’s sanctuary policy protected future multiple murderer Edwin Ramos from deportation even after arrests for violent crimes. Camarota tried to explain the crime’s background, but it’s hard to detail a complex case while a noisy lawyer is trying to drown out your points.

It would be much better to have an informational discussion with an expert rather than a shouting match where facts are lost in the noise. Of course, it Ingraham could have exerted more control over the situation, but never told the obnoxious lawyer to stop interrupting. The segment was decent and focused on an ignored topic, but could have been more instructive by a calm presentation of facts about illegal alien crime by knowledgeable persons.

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