The Los Angeles Times has had the decency to allow Steve Poizner, the underdog contender for the CA GOP Gubernatorial nomination to address the issue of illegal immigration: California must stem the flow of illegal immigrants March 27, 2010
With the state budget in tatters, millions of residents out of work and a state prison system strained by massive overcrowding, California simply cannot continue to ignore the strain that illegal immigration puts on our budget and economy…California has too many policies that reward illegal aliens and act like magnets, drawing them to and keeping them in our cities and communities. We have to change those policies…We need to end "sanctuary city" policies, in which communities (San Francisco, for example) openly offer haven to illegal aliens…
To those currently debating a new immigration bill in Washington, I have just two words: no amnesty
VDARE.com readers will get the message.
However it appears Senator John McCain does not.
Arizona Law Promises to Be 'Toughest' on Illegal ImmigrationABCNews.com (H/T Drudge Report) says
McCain, who once back a bipartisan effort to grant illegal immigrants amnesty, has deflected questions about whether he supports the legislation. It’s a state issue," McCain spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan told ABC News via e-mail.
Sarah Palin is campaigning today for John McCain. I am not surprised