Illegal Not To Deliver To "High-Crime" Areas?

By James Fulford


Walter Olson at Overlawyered excerpted this passage with the headline Shot if you do, sued if you don’t

”There’s no doubt delivering food is a risky job — it routinely ranks on the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s most-dangerous jobs list — and after last week’s much-publicized robbery of a Chinese food deliveryman, some restaurants might be inclined to avoid delivery to high-crime areas. But in doing so, restaurants might open themselves up to civil litigation regulating anti-discrimination practices, essentially creating a catch-22 for the businesses, legal experts said.” [Delivering food is a risky job, but denying service could be catch-22, experts say, Harrisburg Patriot-News, August 25, 2010]

Of course, the problem of lawsuits only exists because the high-crime areas are also minority areas. The story goes on:

"Not delivering food to a certain area of the city could be construed as redlining, a discriminatory practice most often involving lenders that refused to lend money or extend credit to borrowers in low-income parts of a city. Lenders would draw red lines around a certain neighborhood on a map where they would refuse to give mortgages because they believed the risk of default to be too high.

”If a business denies service to a particular area and that area was found to be mostly minorities, someone could file a complaint and they would have to respond to that,” said Shannon Powers, a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. “It could be established that they are denying service based on race even if they don’t say they’re denying based on race.”

This is true, and this has been going on for years — see Your Pizza or Your Life, American Renaissance, November 2002. The question arose in Harrisburg after two "Harrisburg teens" (race unstated) attempted to rob a Chinese food delivery man. (race also unstated, the word Chinese in this reference modifies "food" not "man".) After being punched in the face and struck on the head with a glass bottle, the delivery man fired one round, wounding a teen in the shoulder, to general applause.

And you'll notice that even if the press won’t say who’s robbing who, Shannon Powers knows what’s going on.

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