Illegal Voters Are Overwhelmingly Democrats
By Federale
More information is out on alien voters in Colorado. They are overwhelmingly Democrats. That should be no surprise. And a lesson to Marco AINO.
The Republic July 5, 2013 by Ivan Moreno
Most Of 155 Suspected Noncitizen Voters Referred To Colo. DAs Are Democrats, Independents
DENVER — Democrats make up more than half of the 155 suspected noncitizen voters that Secretary of State Scott Gessler is referring to prosecutors, according to figures released by his office Friday.
The party affiliation breakdown shows that 88 of the voters are Democrats, 49 are unaffiliated, and 13 are Republicans. Five others are from minor parties, according to numbers provided by Gessler’s office to The Associated Press.
This is a lesson to those who claim that amnesty for illegal aliens will improve Republican prospects in upcoming elections. This example of the party registration of presumably legal immigrants shows that the amnesty will bring huge numbers of Democrat voters.