Illegals Now Called "Locals"

By James Fulford


Via the Lonewacko blog [M. Elizabeth Roman on fear-struck sweatshop workers] I see there’s a story in a Worcester, Massachusetts paper about illegal immigrants being worried about getting caught. This is actually a good thing; it’s called deterrence.

Here’s a sample of how they're worrying:

"It is devastating to families," said Matthew Feinstein [Send him mail]of the Worcester Global Action Network. "The police presence caused many to fear to go to work or send their children to school."

That should say are afraid to "go to work illegally or send their children to school illegally," Also the repeated references later in the story to the "immigrant community" should, of course, be the illegal immigrant community.

But the best part is the title:Immigration raid rattles locals [By M. Elizabeth Roman [Send her mail]Worcester Telegram & Gazette March 11, 2007 ]

"Locals" is a new one in the list of euphemisms for illegal immigrants. Let M. Elizabeth Roman know what you think of it.

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