
Imam Insult: Slaughter In Nice Had Nothing to Do with Islam

By Brenda Walker


The liberal press loves assist hostile Muslims by telling us citizens that night is day regarding Islam, as in, “Who you gonna believe — me or your lyin’ eyes?” The media insist: Muslims are peace-loving — everybody knows that! The Bastille Day mass murder is no exception.

So it goes after every monstrous atrocity performed as an act of devotion to Allah — “nothing to do with Islam, honest!” The more horrendous the murders, the more absurd are the declarations of innocence for the Religion of Pieces. Meanwhile the Koran and other Islam scriptures are dripping with blood and exhortations to violence.

Dutch politician Geert Wilders angered many with his short film Fitna that showed Islamic violence with corresponding scripture:

Islam has been spread by the sword for 14 centuries: convert or die has been a successful strategy for them. Sophisticated Europe is falling into line just like the backward tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.

A recent example of Islo-denial needs a closer look — is it a gag? An actual statement by an Islamic cleric to show his disrespect of the victims? He certainly has no fear that his family will be mowed down in response — nope, westerners have been cowed into perfect dhimmi submission by political correctness. There’s no danger of any sort of physical backlash. The French won’t even demand that the hostile tribe who believes in the murder of infidels be deported to a more agreeable nation.

Is the following serious? Or the jihadist version of a crude joke on the stupid westerners…

Nice attack: ‘This has nothing to do with Islam,’ says imam after Bastille Day terror atrocity, by Jamie Micklethwaite, Evening Standard, July 15, 2016

Islam had nothing to do with the truck attack in Nice which claimed the lives of at least 84 people, a local imam has said.

Driver Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhle mowed down terrified spectators at the Bastille Day celebrations on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on Thursday night.

After being stopped by armed police the attacker opened fire on the officers before being shot dead at the scene

One witness claimed he shouted Allahu Akhbar at the wheel.

Local Imam Tawfik Bouhlel, who is not related to the attacker, condemned his actions, stating that he does not represent Islam.

He told iNews: “I’m terribly shocked by what has happened. I have lived in France for 35 years in peace and harmony with others and for such a thing to happen gives me the most profound sorrow.

“The name is not familiar to me, I don’t know this man. What I will be saying during our prayers is that we must pull together.

“What this man has done is unthinkable and to be completely condemned because every human being is sacred, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, regardless of colour or religion.

“This has nothing to do with Islam. This man does not represent Islam. I am afraid that there are fanatics everywhere, in every neighbourhood. We can only defeat them together.”

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