Immigrant Population to Nearly Double from Today to 78 Million in 2060

By Brenda Walker


There’s nothing like a good chart to help visualize the government-imposed population replacement project where the historic people are being pushed out for a more diverse clientele. Elites of both parties apparently regard the European-descended traditional Americans to be more independent-minded than is preferred by the powerful, and Mexicans just seem so agreeably hard working. If immigration laws remains unchanged, the immigrant population will reach 78.2 million by 2060, nearly twice that of 2015, which reached a record high of 42.4 million. ImmigrationGrowthChart1970-2060-sessions

Expanding the population through excessive immigration is nothing but a scheme to lower wages, increase shoppers and add Democrat voters. Immigration may have been helpful to settle the frontier, but it’s all negative for America going forward. Today’s Census clock show 322.8 million US residents, and that is too many for numerous reasons.

America doesn’t need additional workers because automation is taking more jobs every day. If nearly half of jobs disappear by 2033, as two Oxford Researchers have forecast, citizens will need that employment. The angry unemployed underclass is large enough already.

Not that long ago, America was a food-exporting nation, but no longer because so much farmland has been paved over for new housing. Progress!

Here is California we hope that the winter rains continue and fill our depleted reservoirs after a terrible four-year drought, exacerbated by an immigration-fueled population of nearly 40 million water users.

The costs of admitting unskilled third-worlders are immense. More immigrants use welfare. Illegal immigrants commit more crime than US citizens. If a future administration manages to amnesty the millions of illegal aliens, the dollar cost will reach beyond $6 trillion according to research from Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation. The cost of cheaper imported labor falls hardest on poor Americans.

Americans who recall the nation before the foreigner onslaught often miss the common cultural values, e.g. English being spoken by nearly everyone. The late Sam Huntington’s 2004 book Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity examined the loss (see John O’Sullivan’s review).

Here’s the text explanation to accompany the chart shown above:

Immigration Subcommittee Chart: Immigrant Population to Grow More than 700 Percent from 1970 Levels, January 4, 2016

Background From Subcommittee On Immigration And The National Interest:

After the 1880-1920 immigration wave, Congress reduced immigration. There was zero net growth in the immigrant population from 1920 through 1970 — in fact, the immigrant population shrank considerably over this time — even as the total population of the United States roughly doubled. Covering the entire time period from 1880-1970, the foreign-born population grew roughly 40 percent. By comparison, from 1970 through 2060, Census data shows the immigrant population will increase an unprecedented 715 percent — unless Congress reduces visa allocations.

Today, the foreign-born population is already at an all-time high of 42.4 million. Measured as a percentage of total national population, it is set to soon surpass the highest levels ever recorded and continue rising to new unseen records every year and decade to follow.

Census data shows the U.S. will add the population equivalent of 1 new city of Los Angeles exclusively through new immigration every three years. Including the future children of new arrivals, Pew data shows new immigration will add the equivalent of 25 cities of Los Angeles over the next fifty years — even as today’s excess labor supply pulls down wages, as manufacturing jobs go overseas, and as automation reduces demand for workers. Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. residents in their prime-working years is not working; median household income today is more than $4,000 beneath levels reached fifteen years ago.

By a nearly 10:1 margin, Americans of all backgrounds agree that companies should raise wages instead of importing new foreign labor. Yet, the Gang of Eight bill would have radically accelerated the already-colossal and historic flow of foreign labor by tripling the issuance of green cards over the next ten years and doubling the flow of foreign workers. And the recently-passed omnibus funded a large refugee expansion and dramatically increased the inflow of H-2B workers to fill blue-collar jobs.

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