Immigrant Soldiers
Iconoculture’s trendspotting service always has something horrifying in it, although they don’t seem to know it’s horrifying:
Fighting for an education: More Latinos joining the U.S. Army for school benefits
* As Latinos fight to keep their head above water in the lagging economy, more are joining the U.S. Army. Although enlistment bonuses and military pay are welcome, the lure of a higher education has proven to be a strong incentive.
* A study by the RAND Corporation found that Latino young adults are most responsive to the military’s educational benefits, whereas black Army applicants respond most to salary and bonus incentives, and whites to military pay ( 10.21.09).
* According to the study, the percentage of Army recruits who were Latino rose from 6.6% in 1994 to 11.4% in 2007. WHAT THIS MEANS TO BUSINESS
* Steady pay, job training and the opportunity to serve their country is helping to increase military recruitment among young adults overall. But for Latinos, the promise of higher education is a bonus that’s most attractive.
* Companies that are hiring can look to Latino military veterans who've taken advantage of educational benefits.
Great! Latinos,(which frequently means immigrants, and sometimes illegals) having colonized the military, can then take the jobs when they get back.
Here’s an article I wrote about the whole foreign legions problem before 9/11, and here’s the Onion News Network’s satirical take on this idea: New Bill Will Send Illegal Immigrants To Iraq.