"Immigrants Today Aren’t Einstein"

By Paul Nachman


I especially liked this line in my friend James Fulford’s current post concerning Ben Wattenberg’s woolly-headed triumphalism about the American future:

And please don’t tell me about Einstein — immigrants today aren’t Einstein.

James’s cogent statement was anticipated several years ago by Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies:

People imagine [that we have] "Einstein immigration," the best and the brightest, the cream of the crop, yada, yada, yada. Well, there’s some of that, but it’s mainly "a bunch of B students from Hyderabad Community College."
(I now see, from googling in VDARE’s archives, that I've previously served up the Krikorian quote twice before. No matter: It’s a useful and quite memorable way to make a very important point, especially given the seemingly ceaseless stream of clueless editorials such as Expand work visas for top foreign talent from the May 13th Kansas City Star.)

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